Do you know what the most valuable feature at Bonusbank is?
Despite all of the time, energy, and money that we have invested into developing the site, the most valuable feature is the one that we can take the least credit for.
Instead, we have to give credit to our members, who have created the most active, friendly, and knowledgeable matched betting community in Australia.
Our forums and, in particular, our chatroom are the place to be if you want to maximise your matched betting returns. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or a pro.

Switching to Discord
Over the past few months we have seen the volume of activity in the chatroom sky-rocket. Every day we have hundreds of comments. At the weekend it is thousands.
With so much activity it was getting difficult to keep track of the various conversations that were happening. So we decided to make a change:

Discord is an chat platform that is growing in popularity every day. It is hugely popular with gamers. Now, due to it’s amazing functionality, non-gamers are starting to adopt it too.
Within the new Discord ‘server’ (that’s what Discord calls a community) you will find multiple channels for discussing topics like signup bonuses, sustainability, and racing promos.
We also have some off-topic channels where you can discuss things like investing and alternative side hustles.
However, the most popular channel so far has to be our #arbs channel.
Some of our members made hundreds of dollars on Sunday thanks to arbs that were being shared (and also thanks to whoever fell asleep at the wheel at Sportsbet!).
There is even an option to get an arb notification straight to your phone when a new one is posted.
Overall, it’s safe to say that the switch to Discord has been a success.

Try It Yourself
The Discord server is only available to Premium members, but we want everyone to be able to check it out & see just how great the community is.
For that reason, we are offering a 7-day free trial to anyone who signs up by October 18th. Just enter the coupon code DISCORD when signing up to any of our premium options.
If you decide it’s not for you, you can cancel at any time before the trial ends and you will not be charged. However, we’re sure that once you join, and see how much value their is in the chatroom, you won’t look back!

I have signed up for Discord & downloaded the app but haven’t the faintest idea how to use it to connect & chat with other Bonusbank users. Can you help please?
You need an invite link to join the server. One should be sent to you automatically when you upgrade to premium, but if you can’t find it just send us an email and we will send you another.