I’ve got to be honest, i was a little worried at the end of September. The AFL and NRL seasons, which had provided most of our profit since we launched in June, were coming to a close. I was worried that the returns from our daily plays would drop and new members would be disappointed.
It turns out that i was worrying about nothing.
Rather than seeing a drop in profits, October is on course to be our best month so far. With 4 days left, we just need another $50 to top our previous record of $936 from July.
In large part, this great month has been down to some fantastic NBA offers, but we have also done well from NFL and the return of A-League soccer.
Our more advanced members have also been cleaning up on the horse racing promos. We are now in the busiest time of the year for racing, and the offers are everywhere. At least three of our members have made $1000+ in an individual day this month!
Here is how the graph is looking now:

We smashed through the $4000 mark only a week ago and are already approaching $5000.
If you want to get in on the action, sign up to our free account and start learning the basics. There’s no need enter any payment details, just sign up and read through the tutorials. If you have any questions you can post them in our Free Members Forum.
Once you have mastered the basics you can upgrade to a Premium membership and watch your profit chart start to climb like the one above. What are you waiting for?
*You can see a full record of our results here.