August has arrived, and that can only mean one thing…the European soccer seasons are about to start!
At bonusbank, our matched betting software searches data from the top 5 leagues (England, Spain, Germany, Italy & France) to find the best opportunities for our members to profit. So the return of soccer is always a welcome addition after some quieter weeks.
However, matched betting isn’t the only way that you can profit from soccer at bonusbank. For the second year in a row, we will also be running our EPL Fantasy Football league.
The league is free to enter, and has cash prizes up for grabs, so there’s no reason not to get involved.
For each person that enters a team we are going to add $10 to a prize fund, up to a maximum of $300. At the end of the season the prize fund will be split among the top 3 teams in the league. We will also throw in some free bonusbank memberships.
Here is what the breakdown will be:
1st Place – 70% of prize fund + 1 year free bonusbank membership
2nd Place – 20% of prize fund + 6 months free bonusbank membership
3rd Place – 10% of prize fund + 3 months free bonusbank membership

The only condition is that, in order to win the prize fund you have to be a bonusbank Premium member for at least 4 months during the season. Anyone who doesn’t meet that criteria will only be eligible to win free membership.
We already have 10 teams entered in the league, so it looks like the prize fund will reach the maximum amount. Entries will remain open until the end of the first round of games on August 13th.
To join, just go to the official fantasy football site and use the league code 991649-257032.
Good Luck!