There is no better way to make money online in Australia than Matched Betting. You can make thousands of dollars for just a few hours work and it can be done by anyone. It’s no surprise that the number of people making money this way has exploded in recent years.
However, when most people talk about Matched Betting they only talk about the beginning. They only talk about bookmaker sign-up bonuses.
This is completely understandable. If you’re trying to get someone interested in Matched Betting, sign-ups are the way to do it. They can be hugely profitable. They are also the most straightforward kind of bonus, so it is easy to use them to explain how things work.
The problem is that people end up thinking it’s about sign-up bonuses and nothing else. They think that it’s short term. Or, even worse, they think that it’s not for them due to the laws about sign-up bonuses in the State that they live.
Fortunately for us, the reality is very different. Matched Betting goes way beyond sign-up bonuses.

Long-Term Matched Betting Profits
Sign-ups are only the start. Bookmakers don’t just compete to win new customers, they also compete to keep their existing ones. And the way they do that is by offering enhanced odds and money-back promotions.
These promos may not be as lucrative as the sign-ups but they offer Matched Bettors a consistent long-term income. In fact, it’s these existing customer offers that have kept me travelling the world for the last seven years.
The offers come in all different shapes and sizes depending on which sport they relate to. Here are some examples from Australian bookmakers:

As you can see, these offers aren’t as straightforward as the “Deposit $100, Get a $100 Bonus” sign-up offers.
Existing customer promos require a bit more knowledge and a lot more time. First, you have to trawl through the promo sections of bookie websites to find them all. Then you have to do the maths to figure out which ones are worth doing. It’s not for beginners.
Luckily for bonusbank members, we do all of that work for them.
Daily Matched Betting Opportunities
In our ‘Today’s Plays‘ section we post suggested bets for the best offers around. Our members then follow these bets, confident that we have already done the legwork and they will make a long-term profit.
We started posting ‘Today’s Plays‘ on the 21st of April and we have averaged 5 posts per week since then. As you can see from the graph below, they have done very well:

The total profit for members over the period has been $429.05.
Due to the fact that we do all of the hard work, it only takes members about 5 minutes per day to place these bets. That works out to an hourly rate of about $200p/h!
It’s also worth pointing out that our suggested bets don’t cover horse racing. Horse racing markets move fast, and it is impossible for us to make specific recommendations. Instead, we list all of the offers in a convenient way and give advice in our chatroom while the races are taking place. These offers require a little more work from our members but they are worth it – they can easily add an additional $500-1000 per month.
As much as Matched Bettors love sign-up offers, it’s these existing customer promos that really pay the bills. They keep the cash rolling in long after the sign-up well has run dry. Most of them can also be done no matter where you are in Australia, so anyone can use them to make money.
If you’re new to Matched Betting, we still recommend starting with the sign-up offers first. By opening a Free bonusbank account you can get access to tutorials and tools that will help you get started. Then, once you have a full arsenal of accounts, you can start following ‘Today’s Plays‘ and making hundreds of extra dollars every month for just a few minutes work.
Matched Betting really can provide a regular, risk-free, tax-free income and bonusbank is here to help. Sign up today!
Update – We now have stats for all of 2017. Our average profit was $784 per month. Check out this post for more details.
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